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The Meandering Soul

I escape reality on a daily basis.

Currently reading

After the Rain
Renée Carlino
Progress: 15 %
The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer
Michelle Hodkin

#AfterTheRain progress update: I've read 15%. I never learn. Don't ever read in public (esp. if it's a Renee Carlino book)! Seriously.

After the Rain - Renée Carlino

I have to take a break..

I am getting a lot of stares from people here at McDonalds. Ha ha. Good thing I don't wear make up because now I have tears spilling down my cheeks as I read Chapter 3. I'm sure I look delightful right now. *Insert sarcastic smile*

I get the hashtag #ReneeRuinedMe now.